Cara and I went to Memphis in December (the race that this whole blog was started for). It was ROUGH. Neither of us trained as we intended. My two surgeries in 2009 set me back a lot and I was having complications with my incision site until just a week or so ago.
It took us 3.5 hours to complete the 13 miles. That sucks. But we finished so that counts for something. We ran a lot of the first 6 miles, but the last 7 we walked all of it. Between Cara's shins and my non-trained self we decided to walk it out. We did get a pretty sweet finishers medal. :) It was freezing for the entire race (in the 20's when we started and low 30's when we finished).
Other than the race the weekend was great. We found a great little Italian place on Friday night to carb load at (that's what real runners do - so I heard). We also went to a Memphis Grizzlies game on Friday night. That was very first NBA game ever.
After the race on Saturday we went back to the Marriot to nap. Christy drove up and spent the evening with us. We ate at a diner on Beale Street, then went to a couple of bars. We had a fun time.
I've decided that I'm not cut out for long races. Actually, I hate running. I love the RACE, but hate the TRAINING. And if I'm not going to train, then I shouldn't race. So there you have it.
My 2010 goal is to lose weight and get healthy. That's easy enough, right? :)