Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Sadley, I've missed a week of workouts. No excuses. It just happened.

But tonight was plyo. 60 minutes of squats and jumping. It's over. It sucked.

The end.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Chest and Back - second time around

Today's workout was CHEST and BACK again. It was equally as hard as last time. I don't feel like I'm getting any stronger yet, hopefully that will come in time. I was completely fatigued at the end and skipped over the push ups that I hate (dive bomber, diamond and incline). I typically do another type of push up (normal or military) in its place, but tonight I completely skipped over the second round of those 3 that are so hard.

I only have 5 pound weights....and think I need to find some 8 pounders. I'm going to keep my eyes open at garage sales...weights ain't cheap....and I hate spending a bunch of money if I don't have to. With garage sale season just now starting I'm holding out hope that I'll find some.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Stretch X

This morning I did the Stretch X workout. Technically, you're allowed to rest or do this workout on day 7. Since I'm on the every-other-day regimine, this was actually my day 14. But who's counting?

I only got through 1/2 of the workout (30 minutes) before I had to leave for the day. David did it with me. And his downward dogs (yoga) are the cutest things I've ever seen.

He even told me the other day that I look skinny because I've been exercising. HOW SWEET! I can promise you that I am NO skinner than on day 1 - but the fact that my 5 year old said anything about that melted my heart.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Kenpo X

Tonight's workout was Kenpo X. Which is like the Turbo Kick class I used to take at the gym. Only lamer. It was challenging, but boring and slow at times. On the weeks that the Kenpo X workout falls on Tuesdays I'll take turbo kick at the Y instead.

I'm tired and my muscles are fatigued now....and I'm dripping with sweat....so I KNOW I got a good workout.

I just didn't love it.

Next up is either Stretch X or to just rest. I'm curious about the stretching, so I may try that. You get one rest day a week, but since I'm working out every other day....so I definitely don't want to rest too much.

I'm happy to say that I'm still enjoying this workout. I'm really hopeful that I can keep up with this. I don't see any difference yet (after all it's only the 6th workout) but hopefully I'll see something soon.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Legs and Back (and Ab Ripper X)

Tonight was LEGS and BACK for 60 minutes, then 15 minutes of AB RIPPER X.

There was lots of pull ups (no push ups tonight) and tons of leg work. Like tons. There must have been 8 version of squats. I liked that it we didn't duplicate one single leg exercise (the 4 pull up sets were repeated for a total of 8)....so everything was new and different.

I think my least favorite one was the simple calf exercises (toe raises, I think is what they were called). We did 25 toe raises with my feet pointed in each of 3 different directions - totalling 75. That was pretty tough and I felt my calves really cramping up....so I had to slow down a bit.
The wall squats were pretty tough too.

The Ab Ripper X was the same as day 1....still very hard and I couldn't do all the exercises, but I did as much as I could.

All I can say is I am glad that this workout is over . :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Yoga X

The workout for today was YOGA X.

I'm not a huge yoga fan, but I don't hate it.

This workout is 90 minutes long. For real. 90 minutes.

I skipped through 20 minutes of it since it was all poses for standing on one foot with your head practically on the ground. No. Thank. You.

So....sadly I only did 70 minutes. It was hard and there was a lot of downward dog. UGH!

There was some stretching and ab work at the end. Over all it was a good workout. But I'm still not a huge yoga fan. Don't think I'll ever be.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Arms & Shoulders

Last night I did the ARMS and SHOULDERS workout. I started it at 10 pm, but I stuck with the entire 60 minute workout. I did the entire workout (except the bonus round)....but only with a weight size of 5 pounds. I don't have any heavier weights right now. At least the 5 was a challenge and while I'm sore today I don't think I'll completely regret it tomorrow.

We had a neighborhood garage sale today and David and I walked with a friend her her daughter around the neighborhood (we did about a 2 mile loop) and I was looking for more hand weights. I didn't find any. I might have to suck it up and buy some new. Bummer.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


The dictionary defintes plyometrics as: "a type of exercise using explosive movements to develop muscular power, esp. bounding, hopping, and jumping"

And I totally agree.

Last night I did 60 minutes of that - hopping and jumping, and a lot of squats too. It was brutal and I couldn't finish every single set (I left about 5-6 seconds at the end of each one).

My legs are fatigued and sore today.

I'm surprised that my abs aren't screaming from the ab workout I did on Tuesday night. That's a good thing, I think.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 2

Unfortunately, I can't find the plyometrics DVD (which is jumping, lots and lots and lots of jumping)....so I couldn't do that workout today. Instead I did the Ab Ribber X. It's only 15 minutes but it's VERY intense. Yesterday (the real day 2) I played softball so that counts as some exercise.

While I won't be doing the workout daily....I will keep up with each work out and do them in order.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

P90X - Day 1 (again)

I started P90X (again) today. It's difficult to keep up with any workout program...and I've tried this before....but it's by far my favorite - since I can do it at home, on my schedule....so that's why I'm trying it out again.

I'm not telling anyone...just posting it here and planning to keep up with it on this blog. So I guess if you are reading this blog, then you know....but I'm fairly certain no one does....and I'm OK with that.

So todays workout was arms and back with what seems like 100,000 push ups and pull ups. I do "girl" push ups and pull ups...but at least I did it.

Oh, and while this doesn't count towards P90X, I did jump on the trampoline for a while yesterday while my family was in town for Easter.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


So I'm doing The Shred in 2010. Today is day 2 and I'm already sore. Ugh. No pain no gain, right?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Memphis Half

Cara and I went to Memphis in December (the race that this whole blog was started for). It was ROUGH. Neither of us trained as we intended. My two surgeries in 2009 set me back a lot and I was having complications with my incision site until just a week or so ago.

It took us 3.5 hours to complete the 13 miles. That sucks. But we finished so that counts for something. We ran a lot of the first 6 miles, but the last 7 we walked all of it. Between Cara's shins and my non-trained self we decided to walk it out. We did get a pretty sweet finishers medal. :) It was freezing for the entire race (in the 20's when we started and low 30's when we finished).

Other than the race the weekend was great. We found a great little Italian place on Friday night to carb load at (that's what real runners do - so I heard). We also went to a Memphis Grizzlies game on Friday night. That was very cool...my first NBA game ever.

After the race on Saturday we went back to the Marriot to nap. Christy drove up and spent the evening with us. We ate at a diner on Beale Street, then went to a couple of bars. We had a fun time.

I've decided that I'm not cut out for long races. Actually, I hate running. I love the RACE, but hate the TRAINING. And if I'm not going to train, then I shouldn't race. So there you have it.

My 2010 goal is to lose weight and get healthy. That's easy enough, right? :)