Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pickin' n' Passin'

(Of course the title is grammatically correct - just "Southernized")

So this pass week has been an utter and dismal failure for training. I successfully left my spiffy running shoes down in Tampa and my old shoes I have been running with are making my legs mad at me. I attempted to run twice - once with babe and one sans babe. Both ended in me doing the high arm swing trying to make myself appear I was moving faster than I was, while telling my legs that we could be friends and they would learn to love me again after I stopped moving.

But any how that's not what this post is about. Last Saturday I finished running an entire 8k. now for those of you who don't know an 8k is exactly 4.96 miles (I had to look it up). I have not run 4.96 miles in ohhh about 5 YEARS. I now feel accomplished, empowered, and, of course, sexy.

I'll let you know a little secret - I had not intention of running the ENTIRE race. I knew I could run a 5k and figured I would split the rest up with running, shuffling, and questioning my sanity on being up at 6:30 in the AM to run in the cold, cold rain. On top of all that I waited on the hubby to come in fresh from work to run with me (he had different ideas... says running slow hurts his knees... gee thanks!). I was literally racing to catch up the slow people car for about 10 minutes. When i finally caught up and started a nice steady pace... I heard IT. Shuffle, shuffle... scrap... scrap.. shuffle. It was a MEGA SHUFFLER. Like the kind that makes your ears want to explode. I thought if I am stuck with this noise for the next hour (I was being realistic here) I might as well quit NOW. Instead of quitting I became resolved to pass her. And so I did.

This was my strategy for the rest of the race a concept I refer to as "Pickin' n' Passin'". Each person I passed was a small and very joyful victory. I passed the walk/ runners (why don't they just pick one??) the casual runners (I might finish...I might not) and some folks that had a great pace the whole time. The thing about passing people is they can't see you do it. By the time I passed someone, I had my eyes set on the next goal 20 yards away. The more distance passed, the more folks I passed. I was determine to not let the passed pass. I finished the race that way. I am not a competitive person by any means, but I am a person that makes a whole lot of lists and each passing was a project conquered - something to cross off and move onto the next.

To some people this might sound silly, useless, but us at the newbie level need ANYTHING to feel better about ourselves and that we are getting better at this running thing. Ah, can I get an "AMEN"?!

Here is another lovely image after the race. Let me do some narrating: Here we have an image of the Davis family. On your left you see Emily Davis. Do not be alarmed by Mr. Skull next to her. He just wants some respect. Husband Keith is the tall one. No, that is not a ritual running headdress, but some fierce decorations at a friend's house. And there's little Miss Ava being all cute again (how does she DO it??). A huger than life props to friend, Andrea, for waking up on dawn's dark side to watch Ava.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Let's Start Over Again... and Again.... and....

Running has always been there in my life.

At early morning, growing up, found my family and I running exactly four laps around our small cul-de-sac to equal a mile. Days I hated it, days I loved it. I ended up running track and cross country in jr and high school. There was nothing like cross-country, running in the early morn while the dew flicked up in the air as I whizzed through the grass trying to be as fast as my super star brother. Track followed years later as I proved my months of training with ONE track meet against some small christian academies (I hope the homeschoolers have it better these days!). The rest of the years are filled with the ever rebounding love/hate relationship of running ranging from happily zooming along sweat free for miles to feeling like I have a tire jiggling around my waist line while struggling to finish running 400 yrds.

Right now I am in between the feelings. Four months out from giving birth to beautiful baby girl, Ava, I am determine to watch the last 15 pounds run off to fat hell. Plus if I ever have to run from the Southside crazies whilst pushing a jogging stroller... well I'll be ready!

So far I have 2 5k races under my belt in the past 3 weeks. Honestly I haven't really run to train much, but the "R UABle to Run" run at Oak Mountain was a swift and painful kick to my booty! I walked and ran it pushing a jogging stroller. Two weeks later I ran the entire Race for the Cure (without stroller). These week I'll run an 8k in Gardendale. I think I have run about 4 times outside of that. Umm mostly I DON'T recommend this sort of race training, but this is what I am doing to reach my final destination as a runner in the next 4 months...

The Mercedes Half-Marathon in February!!

I was to do it last year, but needed to fufill my whiney "I'm too sick to walk" pregnant jaunt. Thank the Lord for the power of prego recovery, because look out Half Marathon- I'm taking names and passing runners right and left!!

My wonderful family- husband Keith (lost 80 pounds running in 8 months), daughter Ava (just super cute!) and me (all nice and sweaty!).

Vacation & Accountability

We are on vacation this week and while I have stopped doing my workout we have been busy and walking a lot. We are in Cherokee, NC for 7 days, then Stone Mountain for 3. I'll be back to my workout and adding in some more running next week. I hope my shins stop hurting. The Vulcan Run (10K) is in early November and the half marathon is in early I have a lot to prepare for.

My sweet friend, Emily, will be joining me in chronicling our journey through running races and getting in shape. She'll be a great accountability to me. Love her.

Be back next week.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Going good

My workouts have been going good. Yesterday was arms and back and today was plyometrics. I looked what what that word means on and this is what it said: "a type of exercise using explosive movements to develop muscular power, esp. bounding, hopping, and jumping". Yep, that's pretty much what I did for 60 minutes today. Jumped. Well, and lots of squats. It was rough....but good.

I hurt my shin the other day, so I've not been running. Hopefully next week I'll get some running in since I won't be able to do any of the strength training on vacation.